Commission Company & Order Buying Firm
Chinook, MT 406-357-2286

About Us
Bear Paw Livestock is a North Central Montana Livestock marketing sales center, specializing in the marketing of feeder cattle, slaughter cows and bulls, stocker cattle, stock cows and replacement heifers. Our livestock auction sales are every Monday excluding holidays and every other Monday during July and August. Our sales are viewable live through LMA Auctions.
As an order buying firm, we buy from producers and sell to livestock feeders, packers, and order buyers. Believing in price discovery through an auction, we represent producers on the Northern Livestock Video Auction.
Our livestock facility is capable of handling 3,500 head with extreme efficiency. We have 1,500 head bunk space, where cattle can be overnighted. Our facility has excellent livestock handling equipment for pre-conditioning with a veterinarian available.
We are a family owned and operated business and because the heart of our business has always been the people, you can be assured that when you call on us today, you won't be disappointed tomorrow!