Commission Company & Order Buying Firm
Chinook, MT 406-357-2286

Sale Schedule 2024:
Sales Mondays starting at 12pm
Cattle drop off: We accept cattle Sunday from 12pm until 9pm and then Monday 8am until sale time. Your cattle are put on feed and water at no charge. If you drop your cattle off prior to Sunday, the cost for feed is $3 per head per day until Sunday.
February 10:
NO SALE - Due to weather
February 17:
Regular Cattle Sale
February 24:
Regular Cattle Sale
March 3:
Clear Creek Angus Annual Bull Sale
With special guests, Weaver Herefords
Selling: 80 Angus bulls, 15 Hereford bulls,
4 registered Angus heifers, 40 no brand F1 baldy heifers
50 replacement Angus heifers
Following Bull Sale:
Special Consignment Only Female Sale
Consigned so far:
25 bk/bwf bred heifers - March 20 - May 1
Upcoming Bull Sales at Bear Paw Livestock:
March 3:
Clear Creek Angus
website: clearcreekangus.com
with Special guests, Weaver Herefords
website: weaverherefords.com
April 16:
Milk River Angus
website: milkriverangus.com
May 5:
Klingaman Red Angus
websites: klingamanranch.com
Along with JMS Ranch Black Angus